Where are you not looking?
Profile your teams and organizations to reveal bias, highlight areas of potential risk and uncover potentially hidden sources of innovation friction.
Find the way forward
The Navigator survey takes only a few minutes to complete, and provides significant insight into team and organizational ethical capabilities.
The Navigator can:
- Assess data ethics culture bias
- Highlight areas of potential risk
- Detect potentially hidden costs
- Suggest potential areas for training and development.
- Provide foundations for effective multi-stakeholder dialogue
Ethics requires diversity
Effective diversity is the foundation of ethics. The right combination of points of view makes it possible to sense potential risks and opportunities in the complex, socio-technical world of data and AI.
The Navigator builds on the Systemic Data Ethics Framework to provide a unique set of metrics and insights.
Currently in closed beta
The Navigator is in active development. If you're interested in profiling your teams, get in touch, and lets have a chat - We're very interested in hearing from you.
Find out more
This tool has been developed by Systemic Data Ethics and is powered by the Systemic Data Ethics Framework.

Lets talk
To get the deepest levels of insight into your Data ethics risks, blind spots and culture, contact us to create your own instance of the Navigator. Visit SystemicDataEthics.com
Arrange the statements in each section below in order. Drag the one you agree with most to the top, and the one that is least applicable to the bottom.
Focus on one team that you are part of, and reflect on your immediate, subjective, perception of your work. There are no right or wrong answers.
The second half of this survey repeats the statements, asking for a different set of comparisons.
That's it.
Your reading has been saved.

Strengths, weaknesses and areas for action based the Systemic Data Ethics Framework
Personal Report
Personal Report
The Navigator is currently in early testing. If you would like a detailed personalised report, copy this url and email it to Contact at Systemic Data Ethics.
Team Report
Team Report
The real value of the Navigator emerges when all members of your team or organization complete the survey, and we're able to aggregate data.With data from a whole team, we are able to confidently identify cultural strengths and weaknesses, map out organizational priorities and bias, and suggest potential actions to mitigate the risks that may arise from your unknown unknowns.